
Strategy and copywriting deep dives

Everyone’s a writer

It’s mind-boggling to me that nearly all of us write for work every day, yet so many people are insecure about their writing.

As a result, people often emulate some of the worst writing there is – because they think that’s what they should sound like – and go all formal and “as per my last”-y in their communication; or, and this is just as bad, they become overly salesy and chummy.

No one should feel that way, or think they should sound like someone else – and especially not when they want their words to incite action (e.g. get readers to download, read, share, buy, engage with, recommend… something).

Writing is 80% craft

The good news – I think so anyway – is that good writing can be taught. Talent might get you there more quickly, but there are a few basic concepts that can elevate anybody’s writing. And, quite selfishly, it gives me enormous pleasure to teach these basics and get to experience the joy of seeing the lightbulbs go bing above people’s heads.


For Copywriters

This is useful if you have a junior or mid-weight writer in your biz or agency and no direct line manager who can help them develop

For Marketers

…who have to do a lot of writing as part of their job

FOR Sales/BDR Teams

…and anybody else (such as customer success, field service) who is writing to customers every day

FOR Marketing and Content Managers

… who don’t necessarily write themselves but need to brief in content and copy, and give feedback on it

to assess AI-generated writing

… and decide if it’s good enough to put out there. Hell, I’m not judging.

My sessions are always tailored to my clients’ business and use cases.

So if your people could do with some help on the writing front, get in touch.

Marketing Strategy Training

B2B Marketing is an industry that’s extremely guilty of pretending. We pretend that something’s a whole new discipline when it’s merely best-practice principles applied to a new domain (I’m looking at you ABM!); we love to re-label things and invent new metrics; and we’re seldom rigorous about the terminology we use.

It’s also huge discipline, spanning an enormous amount of industries, channels, customer segments, product categories, delivery mechanisms. No way anyone can know it all, especially not if you’re a generalist.

So it’s no surprise that marketers need a little support once in a while. There’s a million marketing-related topics I can’t teach (such a SEO, or design, or automation, or attribution modelling), but:

I can help marketers get better at strategy.

Content Marketing

Value propositions


Thought leadership



If you or your team are interested in bespoke sessions on the what, why and how of marketing strategy, hit me up: